Sunday, April 29, 2012

Letter 4/27/2012

Hello friends and family!!!

I am doing great the MTC is an amazing place and I am loving it here. I didn't think I would haha. some days I just want to be in Chile though. Spanish is coming along GREAT! The Don de Lengua is an amazing thing and a miracle every day around here. Tuesday Elder Russell M Nelson came and taught us in a devotional and it was AMAZING! he gave 9 points we need to know to be a successful missionary. He truly is an apostle of Christ. I just wanted to take a minute and thank every one who had a part in getting me out here. Now that I'm here I have no worries about everything. The Lord will provide and all I need to do is obey the rules and everything will takes its place. Honestly the only thing I miss are my HUGS!!!!!! Especially from my family. Thanks for all the letters so far from my GIRLS!!! oh man Emily and Rachel I miss you guys soooooooooo much! and Steph, I honestly enjoy your letters so much because they are so detailed and I love hearing from you. Letters make my day I tell ya! My companion is Elder Barnes, he's a QB in college for SVU. He is also our district leader. I'm kinda the big brother in the group. everyone kinda looks to me for any problems they have and I've already given a couple of blessings actually. I'm the 2nd oldest in the zone, there's one elder who is 24. I know this church is true and I want you all to know I have a strong testimony of Christ. He is our Savior and Redemeer and he has atoned for our sins.. the big ones AND the small ones. He makes up for our imperfections. This church IS true. I love you all!!!

PS if anyone wants to write me, an easy way is I still LOVE getting hand written ones as well :)

til next time,
Elder Hicken