Sunday, June 10, 2012

Letter 06/01//2012

hey mom and dad! how are you? it's absolutely crazy that I only have less than 3 weeks to go. The time has definitely flown for me. Being zone leader I'm always having to worry about something, so it makes time fly.

THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGE!!!! man the cake was an awesome suprise!!!! we had it saturday afternoon with my district. My teacher Hermano Blake has the same birthday as me (I'm 1 year older... weird huh?) so we celebrated it with the cake! in his words... "AY! QUE RICO!" haha it was way good and a couple of the other teachers from the zone as well. I love the ties! Paisley is just the most amazing thing ever lol. But I like that blue/black striped one too :) Tell Steph thanks for the hat! I wrote her like last week or so but didn't get a response. did she get it? I haven't heard from Joshua and Amelia yet either... and RACHEL!

I can't wait to go to Chile! I don't have my travel plans yet but I suspect that I will be getting them this next week sometime so hopefully I will be able to tell you next week when I will be CALLING! I can't wait to talk to you all :)

Tell Rach I am so proud of her in her dance. Tell her I want her to dedicate herself to piano as much as she does with dance! I've been practicing piano whenever I get a chance, I want to be able to play a few simple hymns eventually! I wanna come home and be an insane organ player hahaha.

So weird thing... I'm obsessed with singing! don't role you eyes at me lol. I'm really no that great but I am really enjoying it here for some reason. Me, my companion, and a couple Hermanas will be singing Come Thou Fount in sacrament meeting together. I'm singing bass even though I struggle with a low G haha. We're actually sounding really good and if I get a chance, I'll record one of our practice sessions so maybe you can hear us ;) I'm also still singing in choir every sunday and tuesday and I really enjoy that too.


So I thought I heard someone singing happy birthday... haha jk.. That makes me happy though cuz I didn't get sung to! haha but it's okay it was just like any other day really. but I felt a little more "special" inside. (shut up emily and rachel! I know you are about to come up with a comment on that :p)

tell Uncle John I said hi! and I'm doing great.

That's a pretty neat story about Uncle Brent. I'm glad you all had a good Memorial day and had the oppourtunity to do that for them.


I've had some struggles and I've had my moments. But I'm still here and I'm still working hard. The Lord has comforted me and I've felt his promise that he'll take care of things for me at home while I'm gone. 

So I'm like more than halfway through the New Testament. I started it when I got here and I going to try and finish it before I leave the MTC. If I read 7 pages a day between then and now I should be able to get it done.

So as a missionary, I've discovered you have to be super organized, especially as a leader, or else you run out of time really fast. But I'm actually pretty decent at being organized (i've never proved that before, because I've never had to be) I also don't get to mess around and goof off as much as I want. boo :( I have to resist so much it's ridiculous. but my zone is now literally all 19 year old kids beside me, and they're like puppets, anything I do, they do it to so I really have to be careful not to mess around a ton. I'll be zone leader until the sunday before I leave. so my work is cut out for me. But oh well, I have a billion friends now because of it and of course... every one loves me :p I'm not bragging but seriously I'm an awesome leader and I don't know how that happened so you two can have the credit :)

how's rachel and steph? I haven't heard from them in a long time. Every day I see the ASL missionaries, and I get super jealous that I'm not with them, and I miss my Steph. The last devtional a guy from the 70 (Zwick?) spoke and his wife talked about their disabled son and an awesome story. I'm so thankful for Stephanie and the oppourtunity to grow up next to her. She is the greatest example of Christ-like love on this earth. Give her a hug from me and tell her that I love her so much. I hope I can grow to love people self-lessly as she does.

well now I feel like I'm rambling on. tell everyone I said hi and on the family website as well.

I don't wanna write seperate emails for the blog.. how have you been doing that? just taking stuff from my emails?

I'll be writing Emily a snail mail today since she wrote me a dearelder. Tell Rachel she'd get one too if she'd ever write me! School is out! i expect a hand-written letter from her every week til I leave the MTC so snap to it missy!!

I got a birthday card from grandma, I've been meaning to write her but I haven't yet. I'll get to it soon.

I get letters from marci every week, and I've been getting letters from what's her face's sister.. emily YW leader? I can't think of their last name ahaha.

I also got a card from Mindy. tell her thanks as well

put on my blog site that anyone can email me. and put my email addy up as well and if anyone emails me I can reply with a snail mail.

les amo todos vostros
Elder Hicken

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