Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Letter 07/10/2012

another week come and gone. its starting to go super fast. So i'm super awesome and i have a list of stuff to tell you about in my planner so I should have some good things to tell you! thanks for you emails. I am doing pretty good.

today we're going to the mall and i am probably going to be buying  a few things so watch for some action on my Visa.

the bus drivers here are CRAZY! but the metro is pretty cool. So last week I was in a CastaƱo, which is kinda like a starbucks, and I heard the song *Dont know much* by aaron neville and linda rondstadt. that made me laugh haha. so.. question about my jeep.. whats it doing right now? just sitting in the driveway? If it doesnt ever sell, you should put a car cover on it and tire covers on the wheels so the sun doesnt kill everything.

so heres something you should try- lettuce with oil, lemon, salt, and slices of avacado. its super good.

I am glad you all had fun on the trek i am pretty jealous!!

SOOOOO... certain of my friends and family have yet to write me. you know who you are. JOSHUA! if anyone reads this and has a way of texting him or something, do it and tell him to write me. Also, Johnny, Ashley, Matt, Marcus and every one else you all nee to write me and tell me what youre doing with life!!

So my spanish is getting a lot better, and I am more able to understand more of what the natives say. I understand gringos really well. We were able to teach more lessons this last week which was awesome, and last night I pretty much took the lead in the lesson and that was way fun. Right now we are teaching a couple, the woman Claudia is a menos activo and her husband Amauri is no miembro, and his brothers also live with them. The 3 guys are from the Dominican Republic, so basically we have to deal with the two worst castellano accents in the world. woohoo haha. but Amauri is progressing well it seems. their goal is to get sealed in the temple! this week we are going to set a date for july 29 for baptism. so pray for him!!

anyway, hows everyones summer going? its cold here lately and my house is freezing at night! no heating is no bueno.

anyway, everyone have a great week.

Elder Hicken

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