Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Letter 05/04/2012

hola! how is everyone doing? I'm doing freaking awesome. the work is great! busy, but great. The church is true, Jesus Christ is our Savior and and through his atonement we can ALL return to our Heavenly Father and each other! my time is all scheduled out from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm. It's absolutely crazy! but I'm used to it now! Spanish is honestly the stupidest language! hahaha jk. I love it but the different rules drive me crazy. don't even get me started on conjugations! hahahaha but it's all good. For being here two weeks it's suprising how much a part the Gift of Tongues is of the learning here. (Editors Note: In his other letter he literally described his "Gift of Tongues." He finally got his tongue to trill. He was sure that he would never be able to get the trill down.) My District is awesome. a great bunch of guys! My companion is Elder Barnes, from California. We get along great so that's a good thing haha. Well I don't have much time today cuz I spent all my time writing my mom and dad, so if you have any questions about how I'm doing, ask them or WRITE ME!!!!!!!

anyone can email me but I can only email family. the best thing to do would be dearelder.com and make sure you include a date somewhere and your address! and I'll respond with snail mail on my p-days (fridays) or if you wanna write me some snail mail that works too! getting stuff in the box is amazing :) plus I forgot to make an address book for anyone i'd wanna write so If your're reading this and havent gotten something from me yet and you feel like you should have, write me and then I'll have your address!!

I love you all. thank you for all your wonderful support and love. each and everyone of you are truly amazing and have made a huge impact on my life wether you know it or not! It's not a sacrifice to be out here, it's a blessing and I'm so greatful for this oppourtunity to serve the Lord and his people.

til next time!
Elder Hicken

ps dad, proof read this for me. I don't want everyone to know how bad my english is getting ahahahahahaha (DAH - I didn't. :)

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