Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Letter 06/16/2012

Hola! how is everyone doing? so sorry you didn't get a letter from me yesterday, it was our "in-field orientation" day and so today is p-day. It's not really infield orientation, just a whole bunch of workshops for 12 hours straight but it wasn't bad and the day went by really fast. I can't believe I leave for chile monday. Blows my mind. I'm not really looking forward to my first day there though, because I don't think I'm going to sleep very well on the plane :/ oh well! one thing I've learned about being a missionary is, you're ALWAYS tired.

So... I hate packing. I hope I don't have too many transfers in the field. because packing is a pain. haha. I'm going to be sending a box home with all my letters  that I've gotten while I've been here. just throw the box in my room. I finally got my warts out wednesday. it didn't hurt too bad cuz when they injected that stuff it killed off everything so when he scraped it out, I didn't feel much. I'm glad I got it done, it relieved a lot of pressure in my foot.

Other health news, I've been super sick all week. it started about monday night, and I'm just now starting to get better. I'm thinking it's a sinus infection or something. I've had congestion in my nose ears and chest, and a sore throat, tons of gunk, and a headache. even now I still don't really have a voice. no, I didn't go see a doctor... do I ever? I've just been laying on the meds and it's been good. I'm thinking I'm going to have this cough for a while though. I'm never really able to get rid of coughs very well.

I'm super jealous of your ride. that sounds like way fun :) maybe one day you'll be up to the 1500 miles :) mom, don't worry about the curves, I'm thinking it's so much harder on the goldwing because you're a lot higher off the ground.

I got the package and I really appreciated it. I'll be set on melotonin for the next two years I think :)

Mom, isn't that how your summers have been for about 10-15 years now? haha what are you all planning on doing for a family vacation? if anything? family trek sounds fun you will all enjoy it. how is the ward doing? how is everyone there? tell everyone I miss hi for me.

Yes, I've had to be a host 3 times, well actually once lol. 3 weeks ago, I was one of the hosts, 2 weeks ago, I was one of the missionaries doing traffic, and this week I went and took a nap instead becuase I wasn't feeling up to hauling around a bunch of luggage all day. I actually didn't really enjoy hosting. It's really kinda depressing and made me a little homesick ahaha.

I'm really excited to talk to you all, but please be patient with me, I don't know how much I'll be able to talk, I will try to hustle every where I go so I have enough time to talk to you all. I'm going to call from SLC even if it's only for 5 minutes. I will be calling my Mom :) and maybe she can figure out how to do a 3 way call. so mom, be home or available between like 11 and 12:30. I don't know exactly when it will be so just be ready. I'm sorry I can't be specific.

Girls, just wait to talk to me til monday night, k? And I don't really want a recap of the last two months, I just want to have an oppourtunity to hear each of your voices and tell you I love you. And if you have questions I would love to answer them so maybe write a couple down that you think of between now and then. Mom and Dad, we'll talk about whatever you want.

Well, the adventures about to really begin. I'm super nervous, mostly about the language. Chilenos speak really fast and kinda have their own way of conjugating. I'm really excited though. I worry about myself and whether I can do it or not. It's going to be super hard. thanks for your prayers and please continue them! vos amo mucho! familias son eternas

hasta proximo tiempo
Elder Hicken

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