Sunday, June 10, 2012

Letter 5/25/2012

Dear Family
como estan? yo no reciba mucho cartas para mi hermanas?? que pasa???? tambien yo no reciba cartas para Joshua y Amelia nunca.

I don't wanna write spanish cuz I don't have all th time in the world haha. That does seem way early for the girls to be out of school. doesn't it usually go into June? and now it's before memorial day? crazy. what are you guys doing for Memorial day this year? We're having a little fiesta after class monday morning because it's also my instructor's birthday as well. I'm exactly a year older than him. weird, huh. 

Soooo..... why'd you wait til after I leave to buy a firepit?? dang it lol I'm jealous. that will be lots of fun for the girls this summer. 

Tell Steph I'm sorry about her guinea pig. I'm sure that broke her heart :/ speaking of pets, how's my puppies doing??? I miss them a ton :) there's nothing like going home and having 2 wagging tails and happy faces wondering where the heck you've been all day!

Tell Rachel good luck with her dance recital. I'm sad I can't be there I haven't missed one in who knows how long... if ever.

Tell Emily that's exactly how it was when I was there (Driving and being a chauffeur) and just be greatful she has her licence and can get herself where she needs to be. I didn't have my licence when I first started OCR and it was a pain.
I can't believe I'm about to turn 23. I remember being in High school and thinkin how old 23 seemed then. and I atually do feel old cuz I'm a good 3-4 years older than everyone here. I'm excited to get a package. Some of the Elders here have averaged a package about every other day and multiple letters daily. It's kinda annoying..

I'm doing pretty good though. This week was kinda hard. I was homesick, courtney-sick, and tired of the MTC. I'm ready to go on. But, I'll be fine and my goal is to finish out the next few weeks strong. Even though I'm only a 1.5 hour drive away, I feel that I'm in a different world. I'm tired of seeing the same sights every day and I look forward to my temple walks and temple visits cuz it's a chance to get out of this prison.. haha Spanish is doing really well. I can pray, "bare and stand" my testimony, and teach lessons. I don't use any notes and I just depend on what I've learned and the Spirit when I teach. Speaking of teaching, I commited my 2nd investigator to baptism this week (he's just my teacher, but I take it seriously, he plays the role of one of his investigators on his mission, in paraguay) His name is Enrique, he has a girlfirend, and a son with another girl. We taught him the Restoration, The Plan of Happiness, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ but he still wasn't sure. Last monday, we taught him about the law of Chastity, and how he can improve his life and make it happier by living it and marrying Gloria. I got choked up when I was telling him the happiness that comes from living it and he did as well. We asked if he'd marry her, and follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptised and he said yes! yesterday we taught him again and he said Gloria said "yes" and that we're going to teach her also. Their "baptism" is set for June 15. MAN! even though this isn't real, it's crazy awesome. I can't wait until it is "real" and truly see the change and effect peoples lives!!!


thank you for being wonderful parents and great examples. I love you both, and my hermano y hermanas mucho!! have a fantastic week and thanks for the love

con mucho amor,
Elder Hicken

(He sent us one of his memory cards from his camera and here are some of the pictures)

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