Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Letter 06/25/2012


Well, I made it and Im alive. barely I dont think Ive ever been this tired in my life. not sleeping for about 36 hours killed me haha. Chile is way different. but then again, not that different either. The first week has been good. I dont understand much though. Everyone here talks so flipping fast. It wasnt really what I was expecting but then again I didnt know what to expect. Its winter here. Not too cold. It rained on us like wednesday night while we were tracking. but it was actually warmer that day than any other day here. I dont really know what the temp has been but I wear a jacket after about 4. The nights are really cold and the houses here dont have heat haha. I have probably walked more this week than the last 5 years combined. My sector is called Jose Miguel Infante 1 and its in a suburb of Santiago called Renca. You can try and find it on Google or something. Its pretty ghetto here. lots of graffiti and flaetaes *gangsters* theyre all like 15 years old and just stand on the corners smoking pot and insulting people. They actuallly like us missionaries because they want us to teach them english words. My companion is Elder Weigel and hes pretty cool. Ive helped teach a few lessons and we visit the members a lot which is nice cuz they know that I am just learning spanish so they are really patient and are eager to help me understand. We contact all the time and I try to talk to everyone I see. We go door to door a lot and all the houses here have huge fences so instead of knocking you stand at the fence and yell ¡ALO! and wait for them to answer. Its pretty interesting.

Thanks for your love and support it means a lot.

con mucho amor
Elder Hicken

Some Pix of Santiago - Notice Moroni on the temple?

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